Prospective authors are invited to submit original, unpublished papers to the conference as Full Papers and Work in Progress (WIP) Papers.
We are now welcoming proposals for the EDUNINE2022 pre-conference Workshops (Workshop Papers). This annual conference attracts educators, prospective teachers and postgraduate students, and others seeking to update their knowledge and skills. Is your chance to share your knowledge and expertise with all the EDUNINE Community. Workshops with face-to-face attendance will be held at a single venue (hub) accessible to workshop presenters and authors and attendees from nearby geographic areas. This will reduce travel and lodging costs and travel distances in case that pandemic restrictions remain in place. All workshops will be streamed live for all attendees online from any city in the world. During the workshops, there will be a time for questions and global discussion involving all attendees, on-site and online.
Please follow the links to the instructions for each submission type. Submitted papers (Full, WIP, or Workshop papers) must have been neither previously accepted for publication nor concurrently submitted for review to another journal, book, conference, or workshop.
All papers must be written in English which is the official language of the Conference to address a wider audience and following the IEEE requirements for publishing a conference article in the IEEE Xplore® digital library.
Please submit you manuscript (Full, WIP, or Workshop Paper) file using our electronic Submission System (EDUNINE2022 Openconf) through the Paper Submission page on this website (see submission deadline in Important Dates on this page). Only electronic submissions will be accepted. Do not email files to the conference.
All papers will be subject to peer review, based on the type of submission, originality, technical content and/or research, depth, rigor, and relevance to the conference, contribution, and readability in English. Promising papers that need more work will enter a full second round of review and assisted improvement.
After receiving the notification of acceptance, the authors of accepted papers will be asked to modify their papers according to the reviewers recommendations and prepare the final (Camera Ready) version of their papers for submission following the requirements for Final (Camera-ready) Papers. More information about EDUNINE Peer Review in the IEEE EDUNINE Conference Guide to Scope and Quality Criteria on this page.
Final Full and WIP (Camera-ready) Papers that are accepted will be submitted for consideration for their inclusion in the Proceedings of EDUNINE2022 at the IEEE Xplore® digital library providing at least one author completes registration (including payment) and presents the paper orally (online and in-person (if possible)) at the Conference in English, Portuguese or Spanish (see the Fees and Registration page of this conference website for registration information).
All presentations will be oral presentations (face-to-face or online). There will be no poster sessions.
Workshop (Camera-ready) Papers that are accepted will be submitted for consideration for their inclusion in the Proceedings of EDUNINE2022 at the IEEE Xplore® digital library providing at least one presenter completes registration (including payment) and presents the workshops (online and face-to-face if possible at a conference location) in English or, depending on the audience, in Portuguese or Spanish (see the Fees and Registration page of this conference website for registration information).
Unfortunately, we cannot publish any paper in disagreement with the criteria listed above, in particular not presented papers and for which we have not received the registration fee. These papers will be excluded from registration in the databases and publication processes.
IEEE content is indexed by Google. IEEE has agreements in place with other publishers and services to include IEEE Conference papers in their online and print indexes. Examples include Elsevier (Scopus, ScienceDirect, and Compendex), Web of Science, Ei Engineering Village, and While IEEE does provide them with all of the content, it is not IEEE policy to determine what the other publishers will or will not index. For more information, you may download a list of IEEE Indexing Agreements (PDF, 520 KB)