Copyright © 2017, COPEC - Science and Education Research Council
Claudio da Rocha Brito & Melany M.Ciampi (Publishers). All rights reserved.
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IEEE WORLD ENGINEERING EDUCATION CONFERENCE - Engineering Education - Balancing Generalist and Specialist Formation in Technological Carriers: a Current Challenge. Santos, 2017. v.2 |
50p. |
Proceedings of I IEEE World Engineering Education Conference. Vol. 2. March 19-22, 2017. Orgs. Claudio da Rocha Brito (ISBN 978-85-65992-65-7) & Melany M. Ciampi (ISBN 978-85-66680-65-2). Science and Education Research Council, COPEC - Santos: EDUNINE, 2017. |
ISSN 2317-3173 |
1. Engineering - Conference. 2. Technology - Conference. 3. Engineering Education I. BRITO, Claudio da Rocha. II. CIAMPI, Melany, M. III. Title |
CDD 370 |